Why Soul the Movie Captured My Heart

Rianna Patterson
3 min readJan 21, 2021

I think Soul was a refreshing reminder on what life should feel like.

Immediately I knew this film was made by Pete Doctor. I appreciate director’s that express their values and messages of social change through their film. I believe the aim of Soul was to show that to be truly fulfilled by life you need to find happiness in the little things. If you keep aiming for who you want to be, without finding happiness in your present you will never truly fulfilled.

The main character, Joe who was played by Jamie Fox (love to see a black character narrated by a black actor) is a music teacher who wants to be a full-time pianist. He suddenly is greeted by Death, from there he was on a quest to find his way back to earth to be become someone who always desired to be. It was also interesting that this happened during the time when he was rushing to prepare for his “debut”. There is another message in this, we never know when it will be our time to pass on, so it is imperative that we live our best lives.

Joe wanted to pursue this life so badly that he was determined by any means necessary. When this happened, I did think this scene was prolonged but then I understood that this was the peak of the movie. It definitely took an alternative script from what I was expecting.



Rianna Patterson

TEDx Speaker, Personal Development Coach and Founder of Dominica Dementia Foundation. Support my work: http://buymeacoffee.com/riannapatterson